Scrapbook (Page 30)


May 28th 2015

I aim to update my blog as frequently as possible, and thought i'd give myself a theme for some new posts - quite a broad theme - animals big and small. I have done so many animals over the years in m…

Spots and kittens

May 27th 2015

I've not had a minute to update my blog recently - mainly due to one thing - chicken pox.... My youngest son got it, so its been a spotty few days.

New face

May 19th 2015

Not done any characters for a while - here's a new one .....

Power cut

May 18th 2015

I had a power cut this morning, you don't realise how much you need and depend on electricity and the internet etc ... Fortunately it didn't last long but as i was mid way through a design which I had…

Late night

May 17th 2015

Working late tonight, just finished some commission work - so before I turned off my screen I quickly experimented with a simple minimal pattern - why? just felt like it x

Nearly summer?

May 15th 2015

It is nearly summer isn't it? Doesn't feel like it.... did a few more ideas following my summer packing layout from the other night x


May 13th 2015

This was inspired by my love of shoes...

Holiday packing

May 11th 2015

This may seem a little early for packing as we actually don't go away for quite a while, but I kind of have to start thinking about getting organised as we have to pack what seems like the entire cont…


May 11th 2015

I made the most of a recent offer with MOO and got lots of postcards, stickers and business cards printed the quality is great and there are lots of products to choose from. I had a go at framing some…


May 7th 2015

A fun print to match my london illustration!


May 6th 2015

I did a london illustration last year which I've had loads of great feedback about (it's still my intention to get some prints up for sale, but yet to find time...) I decided to revisit it with a diff…


May 4th 2015

Say cheese...... new camera print! x

Cacti print

May 3rd 2015

I think you could only get away with wearing this print if you were 10 or below? Must go lots of work to do for Surtex! ...

Umbrella's and sunshine

May 2nd 2015

An appropriate print for this time of year, just hope the sunshine re appears soon x

Summer dresses

May 1st 2015

I had a bit of time so thought I'd mock up some of my prints on summer dresses, would be great to get some of these on fabric one day! Also made a new pattern, has a bit of a retro feel to it, simple…


May 1st 2015

Time is flying by as usual, I've got lots of work projects on at the moment hopefully I can share some soon. Happy 1st May!


April 25th 2015

I always admire really simple geometric patterns, particularly on stationary. I have been experimenting some more with patterns and shapes and created a new pattern x

Transport pattern

April 23rd 2015

Think this would make great boys wrapping paper, lots of trucks and cars and buses x

Random mix

April 22nd 2015

I was looking through some folders on my computer and began to mix together some collage, illustration, line drawings, pattern etc and created this montage.... the subject matter is varied! x